With the Playstation 3's graphics, which game isn't great!? With exclusive games like "Little Big Planet" and "Killzone 2" the Playstation 3 games are alot better than Xbox 360 or Wii. Now people have been saying " Xbox 360 has WAY better games than the PS3." First off, I do not agree with this. Xbox 360 games just use the same thing over and over again. Secondly, the Xbox 360 has been out 18 months longer, so I would expect better games from it..... for now. Some games have improved JUST because PS3 took them from Xbox 360. A great example is Fallout 3. They had to cut it short in 360 because the disks can only hold 15 gigs, while, as I mentioned before the PS3 disks can hold 50 gigs. So the morale of the story is, more memory = better gaming experience.
Although the Playstation 3 is for more of a "casual" gamer, it has games that are very, very versatile. This does not mean that you can't get into it enough to be hardcore, it just means that you can play once in a while, and still get a great gaming experience. The PS3 has games from ALL genres unlike the Xbox 360 (mostly shooters.) Of course this is just MY personal opinion, so comments are welcome.
PS: I did not mention the Wii, because the games for W